
Dmitry Astapenko, a 3rd year student, Physics and Engineering Faculty, participated in the Youth Forum “We join together!” The forum was arranged by the Belarusian Trade Union Federation and the Belarusian State Youth Union. The event was held in the Vacation Retreat “Logoisk”.

The opening ceremony was held at the Temple – Memorial of All Saints. After the ceremony all the participants moved to the vacation retreat “Logoisk” where they met Tatsiana Romanova, the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Belarusian Professional Union of the Educational and Research Workers, Elena Mankevich, Deputy Chairman of the Federation of the Belarusian Trade Committee, and Alexander Prohorov, the second secretary of the Central Committee Public Association “Belarusian State Youth Union”.

All the participants were deeply amazed by the team-building campaign “We are the team!” because they got a lucky chance to go into action and to feel the unity. A workshop “Cooperational affairs established between Primary Trade Union Organizations and Public Association “Belarusian State Youth Union” was held in the evening. The participants exchanged the best practices and discussed further perspectives of cooperation.

The lecture “Single information space: how to build effective communication” was presented to the participants by Olga Zuenok. The lecture was divided into 2 parts. At first the participants got acquainted with the theoretical information and then they participated in the workshop “Networking and the rules of effective communication” presented by Dmitry Rozhkov.

Vitaly Karpanov, a front man of the band “Drozdy”, delighted the participants of the forum with a great performance.

The next day the participants met Mikhail Orda, the Chairman of the Federation of the Trade Unions of Belarus, and Dmitry Voronyuk, the First secretary of the Public Association “Belarusian State Youth Union”. The meeting was quite friendly and everybody got a chance to ask the questions about the acts of the Ministry of Education, prospective joint events, etc. At the end of the forum the participants came to the “Burial mound of Glory” and took part in the ceremony of the ascend expedition and flame transfer.

This event was quite important for the participants, because they got a chance to exchange the experience, get additional opportunities for self-realization, creative and professional growth.




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